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Who we are?

We are the team of engineering experts, who want to make web development easier and more accessible.

jam-platform - is a DAO-based structure. That means, we use blockchain technologies to setup our relationships, processes and decision-making flows.

What exactly we doing?

Our goal is to create the new kind of web development platform. We rethinking and reassembling environment tools to make them more clear and useful for the wider range of interested people, not for the experienced web developers only.

We are not trying to reinvent the wheel. All our solutions are based on the modern abilities and standards, such as Web Components, HTTPS-imports, ECMAScript Modules, Git, CDNs and blockchain.

What concepts we follow?

  • HTML-based low-code approach - it's easy to compose your solution from the set of the simple HTML-tags
  • DWA - Distributed Web Assets - get the parts of your application from the URLs
  • JavaScript is a new PHP - use the full power of programming for the all types of your text assets
  • Integrated teams - build your team with a smart contracts right on the platform
  • Integrated financial model - own your code contributions as NFTs
  • DBD - Designed by Data - don't waste your time to complicated design, let your data create the UI for you
  • Talk with your app - dialog interfaces allows to unite rich representations and the ability to manage your application data
  • Meta Web - integrate your solution into any other applications. Get yours from the set of ready-made blocks, developed by the other teams
  • AI - ask machine to build the new blocks for you

What the state of our platform?

Currently, almost all we plan to offer is at the development stage.

We have some POCs, and preparing them for demonstration. Don't go away for a long and you'll see that!

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HTML as low code

HTML - is simple to understand. All web sites and applications are started from HTML documents. It's easy to explain to everyone, how do HTML-tags work. Even if you are not an experienced developer, you can create simple web page using simple tags. You can compose elements and place them in hierarchy as you need.

But standard HTML - is not a programming language, it doesn't support such things as:

  • External modules connection
  • Reusable components
  • Logical operators
  • Data bindings
  • Iterators
  • etc.

It's good that now, all modern browsers are support the approach to extend HTML to feat all that things and even more possible requirements.

No-code and low-code approaches are getting popular nowadays. It's positioned as the tools, which could be helpful for the wider range of people, who want to build something. But the most of them has one disadvantage: when you want to build something more specific and custom, the solution becomes to look like programming and appear more complicated, than the programming itself.

So we introduce our solution - <jam-x> - the set of HTML extensions, that can help you to build almost everything, without any conceptual limitations. Just collect your blocks and place them together, like a toy constructor. And your browser - is almost all you need to do that. Now you can code as a true developer, but with a fantastic level of simplicity.

What's under the hood?

<jam-x> is based on Symbiote.js library, which is created for the advanced integration purposes in front-end development. The core feature of Symbiote.js - is that Symbiote-components are able to analyse their own environment and usage context. And those components could be represented as custom HTML-tags in the source document.

This technology is well-tested and work perfectly in the huge amount of cases.

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Distributed Web Assets

The idea is very simple. There is a bunch of types of the web application assets are the text files, such as:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SVG
  • JSON
  • Markdown
  • etc.

All that files are represented as a text and could be generated as a JavaScript strings. Using standard JavaScript Template Literals we getting ability to compose the text assets with the huge level of flexibility and simplicity. No additional tools and processors are needed anymore.

The second point, is that modern standard JavaScript modules are asynchronous, so we can do some work before we export default entity from the module. So, all we need further is a HTTPS-endpoint, that can transform that export into a text file with a certain MIME-type, and cache the result.

That is a purpose of the DWA technology.

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Isomorphic utilities for your web application

Full-stack development becomes much simpler when you can reduce the total amount of used approaches and technologies in your project. One of the coolest thing in JavaScript - is that you can use the same modules in your front-end and in your back-end code at the same time. This helps to make your code more reliable and comfortable to maintain. This helps to give more attention to your business tasks and to keep your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself).

JAM - means JavaScript + API + Markup. This development approach was born as an answer to over-complication trend in modern web development. So,/jam-tools/- is a set of simple JavaScript modules for the most of the major tasks you need to complete when you build your JAM-stack solution.

Possible purposes:

  • Assets minification
  • Template tools
  • Build utilities
  • Node.js DOM API connectors for the headless browsers
  • Cloud file management
  • etc.
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Embed blockchain finance model into your development process

Git -- is the one of the most popular tools for coding in teams. Each commit has it's unique hash, so, it's possible to represent your participation as a set of NFT assets. Than, you can bind your assets to the smart contracts and get payed with each time, when client pays for for service.

jam-fi* -- is a set of tools, that allows you:

  • Earn your money without an excess middle-mans and overheads
  • Chose your payment model by yourself from the many schemas
  • Automate your payments to the team
  • Get payed automatically for the participation in Open Source projects
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AI tools for the jam-platform integrations

Ask Artificial Intelligence to help you:

  • Create jam-assets
  • Modify code
  • Explain the code
  • Generate project documentation
  • Configure tools
  • etc.
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Interactive Media Spots

IMS -- is a set of ready-made widgets for your interactive multimedia, such as:

  • 360° rotating images
  • Spherical panoramas
  • 3D models
  • Interlinked image galleries
  • Videos
  • Image comparison
  • Interactive animations
  • etc.
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Create and control your organizations via simple Telegram bot

Distributed team could be distributed around the world. Your teammates may live in different countries, with different laws and regulations. Usually, foreign developers are build their relations with their governments by themselves and then you interacting with them as individual entrepreneurs. In this case, your accounting department, should sign agreements with all your teammates and to distribute salaries different ways, regarding different jurisdictions.

But what about, if you could automate this process and to skip an excess overheads?

Daobot.dev -- is a chat-based tool, that can do that for you.

DAO - is an distributed autonomous organization, which can be managed using blockchain technologies. Now you can build your company with your onw common rules:

  • Create your own DAO for your organization or the certain project
  • Sign agreements with your teammates
  • Vote for the decisions
  • Distribute funds with more justice
  • Automate payments in cryptocurrencies
  • Inform your teammates about everything important
  • Build your rating as a company or individual developer
  • Promote your team and services to the market
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Dialog-based UI to control everything

It is not easy to combine convenient data representation and real-time editing tools in the one common UI.

Chat:UI - is a set of universal ready-made components, that helps to bind dialog-based editing tools with your data. All you need, is to select entity in your UI and than communicate with it, like it could be a human.

Sounds fantastic? Not for us 😉

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Simplified graph data representation for any purpose

Dive into complex data and explore it as a set of simple XL-like tables.

Graph-data visualizations looks great. But it not easy to percept that kind of data in detail for the human, that works only in science fiction.

GDive -- is a set of simple-to-use web-components, that allows you to represent and edit your graph data in more habitual and simple view.

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jam-platform in social networks

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